
Dedicated Rapid Engineering & Additive Manufacturing

[corny presentation incoming]

Enter the hustle...

The conventional 9 to 5 just isn't enough if you've got bills, car, rent or a house, kids, and then some... so we've entered the age of the side gig.  

Thanks to the world wide web (aka, the internet), geniuses including, but not limited to, Rob Kalin, Jeff Bezos, and Pierre Omidyar have made it super convenient for entrepreneurs around the world to sell cool stuff to consumers around the globe.

And you needed a new hobby, so you thought to yourself, "I see some Ender3's on sale right now - I should get one!" (or something like that 😏) so you dove into 3D printing and realized very quickly that you could monetize your creations on websites like Etsy, Amazon, eBay and so on.

If this sounds familiar, keep scrolling!

...and then come the growing pains...

And that's how it all starts to spiral downwards.  You got a taste of that sweet success and all you can think about is how to turn that into more money 💰.


So you start thinking about out large scale production and quickly realize that the big corporations that handle that kind of thing will give you your parts for literally pennies, but you have to order so many that you'd have to summon a downpayment the size of a large narwhal.

So you consider other options...

... and you learn that "DIY" is not always the best "Y"...

So you buy and build MORE 3D printers, because you're a freaking genius!  They'll pay for themselves and then some after no time.

And they absolutely did!

But then... things start to get weird... 

Your prints are starting to look like your jobless middle aged brother who still lives in your parents' basement because 3D printers are like toddlers, throwing fits, needing lots of maintenance and honestly require a good bit of self-loathing to work with for extended periods of time because of things like planned obsolescence and cheap parts.

so you found an expert

And that's where we come in. 

We can teach you to maintain your printer if you're a true masochist, but not everyone has that kind of time. 

So we can fix your printers for you, or you can outsource your prints to us and save your sanity for bigger better things like running your thriving/growing business.   We offer bulk pricing tailored to customer needs, offering discounts for repeat orders as well.  We can also help with design and prototyping assistance if you're making even the tiniest of revisions to your all-star idea.

Let us know what your needs are and we will work with you!  Our quality is 5 star and our goal is to help our customers succeed. 

[insert sigh of relief here]

After hiring us, you'll come to the realization that you can save your sanity for bigger better things, while controlling your costs and focus on what really matters...

... your big D.R.E.A.M.